Regular Cleaning Services

Enjoy Hassle-Free Living with Regular Cleaning Routines

R&A House Cleaning specializes in a regular cleaning service that maintains the heart of your home.

Our thorough approach ensures your kitchen shines, from sparkling appliances to spotless surfaces, enhancing the space where meals and memories are made. We dust and polish your living space, bringing out the best in your furniture and creating an inviting atmosphere. Bathrooms are scrubbed to a gleam, mirrors reflect our attention to detail, and floors are left immaculate, whether mopped or vacuumed.

This routine care extends the warmth of a well-tended home, making every reflection a testament to cleanliness and every corner a statement of well-being. With R&A, it’s not just about the chores — it’s about cherishing the beauty of a clean, serene living space.

Ongoing Standard Cleanings

  • Involves cleaning the kitchen including the microwave

  • Dusting furniture in the rooms

  • Cleaning bathrooms

  • Mopping floors

  • Vacuuming rugs

  • Cleaning mirrors

  • Wiping down the fridge

  • Oven

  • Dishwasher exteriors

Embrace the Comfort of Scheduled Home Cleanings

If you've been spending your weekends battling with brooms and mops, it's time to consider our routine cleaning services. After a demanding week, you deserve to relax and recuperate, not wrestle with household chores.

Our flexible cleaning packages, whether weekly, biweekly, or monthly, ensure every nook and cranny of your home gets the attention it needs. This not only grants you the freedom to tackle other tasks or errands but also to cherish quality moments with family and friends.

At R & A House Cleaning, our mission is to uplift your living standards, presenting you with a consistently clean and harmonious environment.


Let R & A House Cleaning give you
a cleaning that you can see, smell, touch and feel

R&A House Cleaning